Monday 26 March 2012

Another Day at Picton

This past Saturday, my fellow GHOSTS members and myself attended another airsoft game at Picton Recreational Zone.  The theme was the hunt for OBL and we signed up for the US Army Rangers.  The game itself was alright, but I still had fun regardless since I was able to run with my teammates.  On top of that, we were able to field our night vision optics like the bad-asses that we are.  In the eight member group, we had seven NODs and two of the guys also fielded SAWs to great effect.


  1. Heh it was a fun game! I didn't really get enough but that's alright because the stupid PTW was chopping.

  2. Yeah, I wanted to play more too. We spent too much time outside. I didnt even get to shoot anyone inside.

  3. Sigh I felt the same but neither of us were in command and to be good grunts we gotta do what we're told.

  4. You should be in command next time then. Grrr!
