Wednesday 5 October 2011

Dark Souls

I picked up this game for the XBox 360 yesterday because of my love for the first game, Demon Soul.  The premise is simple, the player explore the realm while the game kicks your butt over and over again until you succeed in whatever challenges the game presents.  All the while you collect souls as you defeat your foes and use the souls as currency, among other things.  From the several hours spent on this game, I can tell you that it is difficult.  Rage inducing, throw the controller to your TV while swearing at the top of your lungs difficult.  I love every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. At least you got that far. I am nowhere near there. Been trying to kill Sif. I can't seem to really find my way around Blighttown, as the freaking framerate drops to 10fps. I am so close to giving up. To top it all off, I am not playing this on the PS3 and I never bought a gold Live account to get help. Sigh...
