Monday 17 October 2011

Op Deadfall

This past weekend, Stephen and I decided to attend the annual Operation Deadfall airsoft game.  This year, the 24 hour military simulation game took place in Muskoka.  We opted to arrive on Saturday morning so we could take the second half of the game.  For myself, I could not take the Friday off from work.  In any case, I did not feel like doing the whole game anyway since it is much too cold for my taste.  Besides, I have done several of these games in the past and I know my limit.

Upon our arrival, we linked up with our team and we were posted as sentries to our base.  This gave a chance for the people already there to go do other things.  That was when I found out that our opposition had gone off the field at night to go sleep in their cars.  This kinda defeat the purpose of doing a 24 hour game but I suppose I cannot comment on this since I only arrived for the second half.

The base took sporadic attack throughout the day but never at my spot.  As the day grew, it began to rain heavily.  Then I realized that it had been quite some time since we had been attacked.  It looked as if the weather had taken care of our enemies for us.  By the time we proceeded to do our final mission, we saw no opposition except for a lone guard who did not even bother to trouble us and we went unopposed to our final destination and thus winning the game.

I was disappointed that the game ended early but this is how it goes sometimes.  There was also some complaints regarding certain aspects of the game from players but these came mostly from new players who never bothered to read the rules when they signed up.  They were not ready for what was in store for them, be it the game or the weather.  In any case, I am looking forward to being out again, this time a Halloween game at the Picton facility.  The 29th can't come soon enough.


  1. I was going with a Russian flair. I think the look is fabulous for fall fashion.
