Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

I bought this game back with the Wii on launch day, some five years ago.  Up until now, I have never actually finished the game.  I have tried two different times before this, but in reality, the Wii waggle controller really turned me off from the game.  Well, the third time's the charm, as they say.
With the impending release of two Zelda games, I decided to actually man up and finish this.  I almost gave up when this game would not work with the classic controller.  I am only a few hours into this game, but I have been down this road before.  Twice in fact.  I think I usually gave up around the halfway point, according to my previous saves.

In any case, the first of the two new Zelda games is Ocarina of Time for the 3DS.  It is actually the same game that came out on the N64 but with redesigned graphics to take advantage of the more powerful hardware of the 3DS.  Many consider this to the the best in the series.  The later one is Skyward Sword for the Wii.  I don't know much about this game, but I bet there will be lots of waggle and it will not work with the classic controller.  Oh well, I will probably get both anyway.

1 comment:

  1. No sir, I am not appreciating the waggle. I am fat and lazy, and up until Wind Waker, I can play the games lying down on my bed. I hate the waggle and I hate the sounds coming out of the waggle stick.
