Sunday 24 April 2011

Terminator Terrorized Easter Egg Hunt

A single T-800 unit was reported to have appeared at a Resistance Easter festivities.  After moments of confusion, Resistance fighters was able to repel the attack and after several hours of fighting, the intruder was destroyed. 

I spent Saturday night along with a group of airsoft enthusiasts at The Old Craig Complex, an abandoned psychiatric hospital, located in Picton.  The weather was perfect and the action was intense.  The premise of the Terminator themed airsoft game was simple, two teams of players fight over an objective while a single terminator terrorized both teams.  The terminator cannot be killed, only disabled momentarily by shooting at a specific spot on the terminator's body.  The catch is that only the terminator knows where that spot is.

Resistance fighters gearing up

The game started just after sunset and kept up until about an hour after sunrise.  A little background about the facility, Craig Complex is a decommissioned military psychiatric hospital located in Picton, Ontario.  Currently, the place is operating under a paintball field but sometimes is used by the military and law enforcement for training.  This is evident by the breaching holes in the walls.

During the day, parts of the facility can still be very dark, but at night, most of the place is pitch black and absolutely, downright creepy.  My team decided from the beginning that we would stay together, and to go back together to the respawn zone together with the dead players so we would not be separated and wonder the facility alone.

Wondering in the dark was not too troublesome for my team as some of us are equipped with Gen. 3 night vision equipment.  Yours truly being one of them.  :D  With these, we made short work of the opposition, despite being outnumbered three to one.  At one point during the night when the firefight took place at the front lawn of the complex, I was able to walk to several of the enemy, tapped their back and told them they are dead because they ran past my position without realizing I was prone to the ground.  The looks on their faces was priceless as they realized what had just happened.

The night became quite cold, as can be seen by the heat coming out of a fellow player, FlyGuy.  The temperature during the day was quite warm at 19 degrees celcius, and at night dropped to around four degrees celcius.  After a whole night of intense action, we all made it back safe and sound and I am now currently resting.  My body is somewhat sore, but a good time always come at a price.


  1. That was a wonderful right up man I wish I could have played too! Yeah NV makes such a huge difference, we'll always own the night! ;)

  2. Thanks. Too bad you could not make it this time, but the season is just starting. We will kick butt at other opportunities.
