Saturday 5 May 2012

Newbie Day at Flag Raiders

Another year and another newbie friendly airsoft game at Flag Raiders Paintball.  This game was hosted by Colin, our team's fearless leader.  The order of the days was just quick skirmishes and I had tons of fun.  I had waited three weeks for this game as that was how long since I last played.

This was also a first time I gamed an M249.  Loaned to me by Colin, I fielded the unwieldy machine gun and I was told by several people that I did not shoot enough.  I haven't made up my mind if I liked the platform or not.  I liked the fact that the gun is big and heavy and carry much more ammo than an assault rifle, but I am not a fan of the solid stock of this gun as I got in my way.  I find that it was very hard to aim with the stock.  I would like to try again but hopefully with the original para sliding stock this time. ;)

I also took part in a very sadistic practice in airsoft games some call the 'Terminator' game.  This time, Jason and I was the terminators and it was his birthday recently and I was picked because Colin felt like I should.  Being a terminator meant that you are pretty much invincible to any form of attack except when said attack manage to hit a particular spot chosen by the terminator and unknown to the attacker.  Think of it as a kill switch.  In this particular game, we did fairly well at first until Jason went down.  I was the last one left and drew fire from everybody.  So being shot at by sixty people all at once from all sides is not much fun at all.  I stopped counting my welts after 50.

What is worse is the fact that someone managed to shoot out a buckle on my RRV.  Thanks to Temir's over-complicated fix, I managed to play the rest of the day in a makeshift buckle replacement.

The day went well and everyone seemed like they had fun.  Colin was a real trooper as he ran the game with all his shouting like normal even though he had strep throat.  Thanks Colin.  I had a ton of fun.  Except during the terminator game.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe... It was worth it coming out just to shoot at you during terminator. ;)

    Glad you had a fun day dude!
